Business Life Insurance
Do you have a business tax strategy?
If you are a business owner who doesn't like paying any more taxes than you legally need to, and you do not yet have a comprehensive "business tax strategy" - watch this short video to discover substantial tax benefits available to business owners that most tax advisors know too little about.
Tax Free Retirement Funded by a Business Line of Credit
If your business is profitable, but operates on a line of credit, watch this short video to learn how you can use your line of credit to fund your own tax free retirement income.
Business Protection:
Key Person Indemnity
If you are a business owner, and your profitability is dependent on the special skills, experience, talent or connections of a vitally important employee in your company (including yourself), you need to watch this short, but informative video to learn how you can protect your business from the loss of anyone so vital to the success of your business.
Life Insurance Financing
If your financial plan or objective requires the purchase of a large amount of life insurance, but your cash flow is currently funding other investments, watch this short video to learn how you can finance the cost of that insurance with little or no cash outlay.
Funding Your Buy/Sell Agreement
If you have at least one business partner, and you want to protect both the profitability and market value of the business, watch this video on the importance of a funded Buy/Sell agreement.
Executive Bonus Retirement Plan
If you are a corporate owner or executive with any size company, watch this short video to learn about Section 162 of the Internal Revenue Code, and how you can use tax deductible corporate dollars to fund a legally discriminatory and exclusive retirement plan for specific people in your company (including yourself) that can provide tax free income at retirement.